First appeared on June 24th, 2009
in The Lebanon Reporter
As I stood in the check out line waiting to buy my Dad another tie I found myself pondering Father’s Day gifts, that was after making up another zip code for the cashier of course (who knew it would wind up being Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania, and further who could have known there would actually be another Eric Williams living there? Enjoy your Christmas catalog from Tie World Eric Williams of Wilkes Barre).
With the announcement that Phil Mickelson’s wife had been diagnosed with breast cancer, the smooth left hander definitely overcame mixed emotions by entering this year’s U.S. Open at New York’s Bethpage Black. When it was publicized that his wife said having the trophy in her hospital room during the cancer treatments would make life easier, of course any contemplation of this weekend’s performance had to take on another meaning altogether for Mickelson. Therefore on this Father’s Day, instead of receiving another tie or “World’s Most Incredible Golf Courses” calendar, Lefty found himself the one choosing a gift by giving his family something they would not soon forget.
It’s been well documented Mickelson has struggled in the U.S. Open (now 5 time runner up and never the champ which he would begrudgingly admit is a record) and don’t mistake this as someone piling on the same tired storyline, rather this is a celebration of the special moments Lefty provided for his family, friends and fans over the course of Sunday and Monday’s rain-forced final round.
Making things all the more interesting was that Mickelson’s nemesis, Tiger Woods, was a deflating 9 shots back and yet seemingly the top of the leader board always seemed within striking distance. Woods struggled to find his stroke all weekend and, just like the father of a newborn fumbling for a three a.m. diaper in a pitch dark nursery, he never seemed to be able to find it. Yet, try as he may, Lefty’s effort to capitalize on a great opportunity turned out to be in total vain by the end.
Four times the bridesmaid and never the bride, everything seemed TaylorMade for Phil’s first U.S. Open win and it would have likely been so had it not been for a pair of young players even Bob Costas had probably never heard of before. Evidently Ricky Barnes and Lucas Glover didn’t get the memo that it was Mickelson’s turn to wear the dress (OK, so maybe that doesn’t sound right but you get the idea). Barnes and Glover’s path to the top of the leaderboard is no more amazing for the sheer fact they weren’t invited to Bethpage and had to qualify instead. Even David Duval, who came in ranked almost dead last amongst the world’s professional golfers, had to be surprised these two were in the proverbial “Zone” for much of the weekend.
Despite coming up short again, for one moment in time Mickelson gave his family something money can’t buy. They were all firm believers in his dream of winning the Open. They were no doubt huddled on the left coast somewhere watching their father as he let it all ride in a valiant effort at winning (4 birdies out of the last 6 holes during his third round and eventually taking the lead in the final round after being 12 shots back earlier). Despite playing well enough to win, perhaps his coming up short is fitting. Don’t let Tiger Woods fool you, winning is never easy and one can only imagine the road ahead won’t be easy for Mickelson’s wife and her family either. This being said the Father’s Day gift Lefty gave his family will, if anything, surely provide them hope.
Bobbie Pyron is in the House!
5 years ago